So many of you are always wondering how do you get a critique of your work that assists you in improving your quilting and artistic style. Well one way, that is probably use by a great many quilters is to submit their work to a judged Quilt Show. Many of us never plan on doing that but lo and behold last Show you found me in the ranks. A quilt was submitted and a critique was garnered. Fearful to read it but thrilled at the same time that someone knowledgeable would be looking at it with a trained eye, I risked it and it wasn't bad. My Group received a Third Place ribbon. It was really a good enlightenment into my skill level and what I needed to work on; she did find the errors I knew were there but she was kind. So my sampling of the ocean water with my toe and the jump into that freezing cold water (not really in So. Florida) wasn't too bad.

My Guild Challenge won an Honorable Mention as voted by the attendees and so the scary world of submitting a quilt was okay. I would recommend it and Crazy Quilters has always went to the expense and planning of getting a qualified judge for this purpose. The attendees are repeatedly heard saying that the quality of workmanship is outstanding at the show and we are pleased to share it with you. A NQA judge makes the difference in a quilt show and a QUILT SHOW.
But how does a group go about getting a qualified person. Well NQA, the National Quilting Association, has made it easy. Here is information from their website and a link where you can learn about a Certified Judge. NQA Certified Judges have a deep and well-rounded foundation of experience in quilt making as well as
judging that uniquely prepares them to adapt to any show. While other types of quilt professionals have
their own areas of expertise, NQA judges have each spent years in research and mentor ship to acquire
the highest levels of professionalism and objectivity in quilt judging.
Marion K., our Quilt Competition Chairman, reviewed a number of possibilities and made the decision to contract with Pat Harrison of Ocean Waves Quilting. She is located in Exeter, Rhode Island and because we do have her arriving in early to be sure the weather doesn't hamper our judging process (of course, I mean that pesky snow they have been having up north.) So not to waste any opportunity to gain more knowledge for our members, the Guild has arranged for her to give a lecture to those members and non-members interested. It is called
"Coloring Your Quilts."
A 45-minute Power Point lecture that will take you on a Journey through our colorful natural world and show how the color combinations of the world around us can be translated into the coloring of our quilts. A trunk show follows as does a period of questions and answers.
It will be held at the Holiday Inn, 10120 S. Federal Highway, on January 12th at 7pm. Members are free and non-members are $10.00 (Seats are limited.)
Here is an example of Pat's personal work called Jacobean Garden.
Magnificent quilting that won her quite a lot of ribbons.